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Blum publishes its first sustainability report

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Photo: Blum
The sustainability report by Julius Blum GmbH outlines the company’s progress and next steps with respect to its environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities.

Blum, the global family business headquartered in the Vorarlberg region of Austria, has today published its very first sustainability report for the 2022/2023 business year. Extending to over 90 pages, the report details the company’s progress towards its environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities.
In readiness for the mandatory reporting requirements that will come into force in the 2025 business year, Julius Blum GmbH has released its very first sustainability report. In it, the company outlines the targets it has already achieved and identifies the areas where further action is required.
Notable achievements to date include a recycling rate of around 96 per cent for the company’s total waste volumes. The company also sources just under 80 per cent of its energy from renewables and is continually working to optimise its energy usage.
“Sustainability reporting by businesses is an important step in achieving the targets set out in the EU’s Green Deal. The EU-wide standardisation of sustainability reporting under the CSRD will promote transparency and enable accurate comparisons to be drawn, which in turn will help increase the credibility of businesses’ sustainability actions. By publishing this voluntary report, we are taking the first step along this road,” says Gerhard Humpeler, member of the Blum Management Board and responsible for sustainability.
Committed to sustainability Blum has been certified to ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) since 1997 and counts protecting the world’s climate and environment among its top priorities. Under its tagline ‘moving ideas for sustainability’, the company is taking widespread action to address sustainability issues.

Photo: Blum
Fittings manufacturer Blum has published its first sustainability report.

Key focus areas include tackling its energy usage and emissions, promoting the responsible use of materials and resources, and fostering respectful channels of communication with its employees and society.
“These efforts are not without challenges, but we see these challenges as an opportunity to push ahead with the sustainable transformation of our business and our industry as a whole,” says Managing Director Philip Blum.
Blum’s first sustainability report for the 2022-2023 business year has been produced in line with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Both the German and English versions of the report are available to download from the Blum website at

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